TCGSL is comprised of seven volunteer elected Board Members and several Board appointed Committee Directors to make up the league leadership team. The team is supported by numerous community volunteers. If you are looking to become a volunteer, visit the Volunteerism page.
Election nomination cycle begins in May of each year, with the election taking place in June. Terms end 28 days after the completion of the annual GSWS OR October 1st, whichever is later.
Odd numbered years: Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, DEI, At Large
Even numbered years: Secretary, Treasurer, Partnerships
Board of Directors - Commissioner
Purpose: Define the guidelines and procedures for operating the organization, and maintain governing documents including, but not limited to, bylaws, rules of play, and code of conduct.
League Governance Committee Chair
Purpose: Establish best practices and standards for league communications, and to empower the organization to develop a more meaningful and effective voice as a collective group.
Communications and Social Media Chair
Purpose: Oversight of the conduct of league and tournament games, and ensures that all games comply with rules and regulations.
Umpire In Chief
Board of Directors - Assistant Commissioner
Purpose: Foster a competitive environment through collaborative coaching while maintaining a fun and engaging league. Assist the Board of Directors with feedback and direction as it pertains to competitive balance, softball rules, and other aspects of league play.
Competition Committee Chair
Purpose: Oversight of planning and operations of league tournaments.
Tournament Committee Co-Director
Board of Directors - Secretary
Purpose: Preserve the history of our league, and foster recognition of key league contributors through induction to the league and/or NAGAAA hall of fames.
Archives Chair
Hall of Fame Chair
Purpose: Build and promote relationships through outreach, networking, and volunteering within local communities, and to drive league growth through recruitment of new players.
Membership Committee Chair
Board of Directors - Partnerships Director
Purpose: Provide inclusive, evolving, enjoyable events to foster league pride and camaraderie.
Social & Events Committee Chair
Board of Directors - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Purpose: Create a league where all players, managers, umpires, and fans feel seen and valued.
The DEI Team has broken out into specific subgroups to focus efforts on this goal:
Education Committee: Increase the cultural-self awareness of everyone in or connected to the league
Community Committee: Build relationships and connections internally and externally
Celebrations Committee: Highlighting the diversity that exists in our league including social identities, lived experiences, league tenure, on/off the field accomplishments/expertise, etc.
DEI Chair - Celebrations Committee
DEI Chair - Education Committee
DEI Co-Chair Community Committee
DEI Co-Chair - Community Committee
Purpose: Oversight of the league's charitable organization, including the Annual Sunshine Charity Classic.
Sunshine Fund & Charity Chair
Board of Directors - Treasurer
Purpose: Oversight of the league's budget and financials, including the yearly audit.
Finance and Audit Committee Chair
Board of Directors - Director at Large
Purpose: Provide inclusive, evolving, enjoyable events to foster league pride and camaraderie.
Player Experience Committee Chair
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