Twin Cities Goodtime Softball League

2025 TCGSL Womens Plus Weeknight League - Team Registration


Team Registration - Womens+ Thursday Night League

Please carefully read and complete the registration process.

To complete registration, payment must be processed prior to the registration deadline. Only paid teams will have a guaranteed place in the season.  Payment should be processed at the time of registration through our secure site; please have your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or checking account information available. Following the completion of registration, you will see a payment processed from "TCGSL" on your account.

If you opt to postpone your payment, payment will need to be paid in person to a TCGSL Board member or mailed to TCGSL, PO Box 580264, Minneapolis, MN 55458. Please make checks out to: Twin Cities Goodtime Softball League "TCGSL". In the memo include your team's name and "team fee."


We look forward to seeing you at the park!

Twin Cities Goodtime Softball League


League Home

Go to the League Home page to learn more about the league.

Chris Overlie

Chris Overlie

Board of Directors - Commissioner